21 Oct, 2014
Hand Made Button Holes

Email me des@desmerrion.com
Find Us
Desmond Merrion Bespoke Tailor
59, Bridge Street, Castleford, WF10 1HH.
21 Oct, 2014
I do apologise that I haven’t posted an entry for a while, just very busy trying to get clients suits out.
Anyway, these things happen, and please remember that I am an actual working tailor that has real clients to actually make for. I am not simply a give me your money and I will farm it out operation, so here’s a few pictures below of some of the latest offerings I have been working on.
The button holes that you can see below are actually on the sleeve of a dinner suit that will actually be for me. The sleeve has a pure silk gauntlet cuff for an added flash of style.
I am at a black tie function in November with some friends and I needed a new dinner suit. To be honest, I needed to be making myself a new suit as much as I need a hole in the head, but there is no way I am going to a formal function incorrectly dressed ….. End of.
The picture below shows me sat at work making the button holes yesterday. however, the correct terminology is worked, hand button holes are not made they are ‘worked’ so now you know the difference folks.
So if you would like to have an informal chat with me about any tailoring requirements that you may have, I would love to hear from you. Drop me an email des@dmerrion.com or feel free to telephone me personally on 07871877061.