Today’s grooms take their weddings seriously And whilst they wouldn’t want to outshine the bride. Grooms understand the importance of getting the right look to embrace the style and theme of the happy occasion. It’s also the ideal opportunity to treat yourself to a great one-off creation for the occasion. Wedding suits play a big part in most wedding days.

Here at Merrion Bespoke, our wedding suits for men are both stylish and timeless. Choose from our collection of bespoke suits to put your best foot forward and dress with intent. We utilise numerous methods to capture your measurements in order to create your bespoke suits. Select the option that matches your level of convenience, and your garments will be ready in 6-8 weeks. You can find all my suit prices and make an appointment here

Every item is hand- cut and hand-made by a master craftsman at my Castleford premises to the client’s individual pattern. And all my bespoke suits are handmade to your precise requirements to create a garment that is uniquely tailored to you.

Choose either my entry level Made To Measure. Mid range Semi Bespoke. Or my top end traditional Full Bespoke. Rest assured that all my suits are genuinely handmade to your individual measure. I do not outsource any part of your order to a third party.

Traditional morning tails or contemporary frock coat ? Dinner jacket, or your own individual style ? The weight of the cloth is one of the most important consideration in the choice of fabrics for wedding suits.

Wedding Suits For Men

Although generally the heavier weight of cloths can tend to have more longevity, nowadays the location of your wedding may require a more appropriate lightweight cloth. With more and more brides and grooms opting for a wedding abroad to guarantee the sun, no one wants to be wearing a 16oz worsted suit in 35’ heat. But for a UK wedding we recommend cloth between 9-12oz in weight being almost perfect for 9 months of the year.

By far the most popular colours for wedding suits for men are still the classic plain blue and plain grey shades. It’s sensible and prudent for grooms to consider the use future use of their wedding suit, after all, it’s an expensive purchase. Wedding suits that have been made in the more traditional blue and grey shades of cloth are therefore quite easy to fit into daily life without too much trouble.

The picture below shows three cloth bunches from Huddersfield Fine Worsteds laid on my work table. Any of these colours would be great for wedding suits for men. From the left, the first bunch is a Super 110’s with cashmere, then a Super 130’s with cashmere and finally a Super 150’s with cashmere. These bunches show cloths in the 9-12oz weight range, the higher the Super number the lighter and more luxurious the cloth tends to get.

Desmond Merrion wedding suits for men

The picture below shows the same cloth bunches as above in the same order, with what would be quite suitable cloth choices for clients looking for a grey wedding suit.

Desmond Merrion wedding suits for men

There’s much more to a suit than just the outside appearance of the cloth … The next two pictures show that if you do opt for a more sober or traditional colour for your wedding suit. It certainly can be so much more than the staple IBM blue suit or grey work suit. You can have the option to imbue your suit with a bit of your personality with a beautiful and unique lining. The linings shown below are top drawer Italian printed linings.

Desmond Merrion wedding suits for men

Desmond Merrion wedding suits for men

After something truly unique ? Plaids are a great choice. It’s very easy to split your trousers from your suit to create an odd jacket for smart/casual wear. Definitely a good way to get a lot of bang for your buck.

Desmond Merrion wedding suits for men

For clients that are looking for a more contemporary look. The first port of call with cloth selection is our mohair bunches. The mohair yarn is often woven into bright and vibrant cloth colours. The finished cloth usually has a lustre and sheen that is so synonymous of the mohair fibre.

The picture below shows Andrew wearing his bespoke suit that he commissioned for his daughters wedding. I think that Andrews trousers may have slipped down slightly from all the dancing !

wedding suits for men


The traditional shaped English style of coat is still the most popular style of wedding suits foe men. To be honest, not much looks better than a well-cut suit with a clean chest. A sharp defined shoulder line with a nicely shaped lapel leading down to the shaping into the waist. And a moderate flair given over the hips.

Interested ? Give me a call.

How honest is your tailor ?

There’s a big difference between a genuine bespoke suit and a factory made suit. Understanding and knowing the difference between the two products is the key. The waters can sometimes become cloudy for the first time purchaser venturing out to commission a tailor.

This article gives potential clients the basic knowledge to differentiate between a genuine bespoke suit, and a factory made suit. Factory made suits are constantly passed off as bespoke.

1 ) Price. Unfortunately, price is a big give away to the quality of what you’re actually going to be purchasing. Cheap labour isn’t skilled, and skilled labour isn’t cheap. This doesn’t even take into account the cost of the cloth, lining, trimmings, horn buttons, rent, rates, wages etc, etc. A genuine full bespoke 2 piece suit should be starting around the £2,000 mark as a minimum if it’s going to made to a high quality in the U.K. The key words here are high quality.

How Honest Is Your Tailor ?

2 ) Research. Research the tailor you’re thinking about using. A telephone call with a few choice questions like, “Do you cut and make your own garments”? “If not, where are your garments made“? “Do you fuse your coats”? “What’s your actual tailoring experience“?

3 ) Location. Do you want to purchase a shopping experience or a bespoke suit ? Unfortunately most of the companies that are purporting to be tailors are merely salesmen hoping to lure clients into their smart shop.

Here are some pointers to look for on the coat.

4 ) Canvas. A genuine bespoke coat has a full canvas through the front of the coat. A bespoke coat is never, ever, ever fused or glued down the fronts. Looking at one coat isn’t a confirmation of a construction method.

The picture below shows the inside of a factory made coat. This fusing seriously affects the drape properties of all weights of cloths, fusing makes the cloth stiff and lifeless.

how honest is your tailor ?

Real Bespoke

The picture below shows the inside of a bespoke coat I’m working on at the skeleton baste fitting stage. You can clearly see the hand made full canvas inserted throughout the coat fronts, this canvas extends from the shoulder all the way down to the hem. Check underneath this canvas to make sure the front of the coat hasn’t been ‘skinned’ with a fusing.

5 ) The Under Collar. Zig zag stitching here is a great indicator that this coat is factory made.

the picture below shows a factory made coat, you can clearly see the zig zag stitching that’s used to make and attach the collar.

how honest is your tailor ?


The picture below shows the underneath section of a bespoke collar Look closely on the right hand section of the picture, the very edge of the collar, you can see the irregular hand stitching of the pure silk thread. This is carrying through from the front hand stitched edges.

6 ) Pockets. The outer breast pocket on a factory made suit will have a very faint zig zag stitching down the front and back edges. The picture below shows a factory made out breast pocket with the zig zag stitching clearly visible down the end section.

how honest is your tailor ?


7 ) Coat Edges. A factory made suit will have quite pronounced edge stitching, lift the collar or front lapels up to see underneath and you’re sure to see the nice consistent machine stitching.

Machine Made ?

The picture below shows the AMF (false hand stitched) edges on a factory made coat.

how honest is your tailor ?

The picture below shows a section of hand stitching on a clients coat that I’ve done. This hand stitching should only be visible in certain light conditions, and only from certain angles. The hand stitched edge is very discreet, and only on the very edge of the lapel and collar. Compare the real hand stitching of the coat I’ve done to the factory stitched one pictured above.

Bespoke Made

8 ) Inside Linings. A bespoke suit has all the linings completely finished by hand. Lift the lining under the hem and you’ll be able to see a cross cross hand stitch if it’s bespoke. A factory made suit will have a consistent machine stitch here. The picture below shows a bespoke coat I’ve made.

how honest is your tailor ?

9 ) Button Holes. Bespoke suits have hand made button holes, never, ever machine made. And have a gimp inner to make them stand higher and give them strength. The reverse side of a hand made button hole is vey irregular in appearance. A factory made coat will have machine made button holes, this button hole is totally consistent on the reverse side. The picture below shows the back of a machine made button hole.

how honest is your tailor ?

The picture below, a machine made button hole.

how honest is your tailor ?

Hand Made

The pictures below show the back and front of a hand made button hole.

The picture above shows the four hand made button holes that I’ve made on a bespoke coat. A well made hand made button hole really is a thing of beauty. They stand proud, have life and are the hallmark of a quality bespoke suit. Compare the stitch density, and neatness of this hand made button hole to the lapel hole pictured above.

10) Inside sleeve linings. Bespoke coats are never, ever made this way. The picture below shows a the top stitching section on the inside section of the coat sleeve.

how honest is your tailor

I hope this post has helped you to differentiate between a factory made suit and a genuine bespoke suit. You’re establishing a long, good working relationship with the tailor you ultimately may choose to use. And, hopefully I may be able to assist you with your tailoring requirements.